The Best Daily Routine | father & Son time, abs, cardio

The Best Daily Routine father & Son time, abs, cardio

So, my daily routine is get up early and make my coffe, realax a litle bite.

Then get ready and do some cardio between 20-40 mintutes.

I’ll spend some time with my son

Then hit the row machine for cardio

The Best Daily Routine father & Son time is important

If you have a normal 9-5 job. You want to spend as much time with your kids.

As a parent we are very busy dealing with alot of stuff. So, it’s improtant to spend as much time with your kids

The Best Daily Routine Having strong abs

As, we get older are body intends to shrink. It’s very impotant for us as older adults is to build a strong abs core . So, we can move around alot easier and watch what we eat daily.

Cardio should be in out daily rountine

Doing cardio reagulary should be a top pryority in our lives.

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