Stay positive during your BJJ
Stay Positive

Stay positive during your BJJ journey is extremely important. It can make you break or stronger during your BJJ journey. Jit-Jitsu is one of those sports that can be really hard to continue because it can be hard on the body.
You feel you cant keep up with the others training partners in the technique area, makes you nervous or scared to roll during training session with your training partners, or you have feeling their better then you.
Feeling your hurting or in pain lots of time during lessons and feeling overwhelmed. So if you an idea of trying to stay positive during your BJJ journey try these methods or figuring out your way what might work for you.
Stay Positive During your BJJ
How to stay positive. When you start rolling, with your training partners don’t try to think about winning or losing. Went through a situation when we had group of rolling for 5 min of rounds of 3.
Being the oldest one in the group, jut put it back of your head, and block it out, didn’t think so much about it, and it really help me out. Just think about what was the main reason you started training BJJ in the first place.
If you think about winning or losing all the time or whos better, you or you training partner, its going to break your ego and spirit. Then your going to end up quitting or have the blues all the time your show to train. And then your not going to have fun and never go back to jJit-Jitsu.
Be calm and Stay Consistent
Top 5 new ways How to stay positive during your BJJ. How to stay calm during your BJJ. Roll the way you want to roll, with your training partners. Great example of rolling with stronger people or higher belts, that I new were better in other technique then me. I relax my mind a little and just started to roll the way I wanted to roll.
Now, things didn’t go my way all the time, but I got some really good technique out of it. Your really not competing in a tournament, or worlds. Your rolling to learn from what your instructor have taught you.
Go your own pace if you can, only unless your instructor wants you to train a little harder or with a purpose. Just try to focus on the technique as much as possible. However; don’t roll so light where your being dominated or aggressively getting dominated and try not get submitted. If you have to roll yuor speed then do it at all cost.
Top 5 new ways How to stay positive during your BJJ. Breathing is a great technique to use when going with someone younger, faster and a lot stronger than you. In addition, having found out that breathing during rolling can really lower your heart rate and slow your pace down, were your kind find peace with yourself rolling at the same time.
Not worrying about anything, other then just having fun rolling. Rolling with younger grapplers can be an intimating thing for us older grapplers.
Laugh during rolling.
Laughing can release stress in uncomfortable moments in life and in competitive moments or regular training session. Now, not saying your going to come out on top and win all the time.
But sometimes, it can release your emotions into a good way, were your not thinking negatively or thinking how your rolling with your training partners. Were it can hinder your performance, and leave a bad taste in your mouth at the end of the day. It will make you thinking Ha, I having a great time and most important I’m, having fun rolling.
Tap often during rolling BJJ
Taping is a great way to stay away from injuries’ and staying positive during your journey. Its going to save you a lot of nagging injuries and pains when you get older and off the matts. If your younger and single and don’t have a family and going to school, then go all out if you want to. But for us older grapplers we got to stay safe and ego free from not getting injured consently. There is nothing wring with tapping often and early, it means you can continue your BJJ journey with out having a ego when leveling up a belt.
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