Brazilian jiujitsu
How older people train jit-jitsu in their 50's [convertkit_form form="4854365"][wpforms id="3601"]
My Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu Journey: A Transformation of Mind, Body, and Spirit
My Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu Journey Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu Journey. Embarking on a Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu (BJJ) journey is akin to stepping onto a path of self-discovery, resilience, and growth. As I reflect on my own journey through the art of BJJ, I am…
The Best Tutorial / BJJ solo moring guard passing drills
BJJ solo moring solo passing drills. Each day, introduce a new healthy habit or challenge for viewers to incorporate into their morning routines, such as drinking more water, practicing gratitude, or setting intentions for the day. Morning Solo Drilling on…
Best Easy Tips Passing Technic in BJJ for Older Grapplers
Best Easy Tips Passing Technic in BJJ. Free tips and guide. The key concept of the passing game is to keep your legs at a distance.
How the best 10 tips help: How strength training to stay active during time away from BJJ
To stay active away from Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu (BJJ), consider incorporating a variety of activities that focus on different aspects of physical fitness. Here are some suggestions: 10 tips Staying active in bjj training takea a alot of training How the…
How to use the best Unlocking the Kimura: Tutorial Review
Effective Arm Control Techniques for Mature Grapplers” How to use the best Unlocking the Kimura: Tutorial Review. Hello everyone, today we’re going to talk about the Kimura. A fundamental submission in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu that can be highly effective for older…
Dealing with younger athletes when rolling with them/ BJJ training regimen older grapplers
Older grapplers can beat younger grapplers for sure
Why older people should train in Martial Arts: To empower our mind and body
From that point on, my mind went into protected mode and mind control. My breathing was an ok because I knew the situation that I was in.
The best BJJ Solo drills at home
BJJ at home. You can learn BJJ at home if you study videos of essentials movements. Make sure to study your technic enough by reading books, go over technic from your last class, write in your journal.
Review: Taking time off from Jit-jitsu to recovery from training BJJ
Review: Recovery from BJJ I been feeling really beat up from training BJJ. Havin taking time off from Jit-jitsu to recovery from training BJJ aches and sore is part of the BJJ journey. There are a couple things I think…
Kimura BJJ: Fun Blue Belt Solo Drills in Home Garage.
Working on kimura solo drills in my home garage. I believe everyone should have one go to submission as a blue belt.