Introducing New – Cover Acoustic – Tears In Heaven Free (On YouTube)
Introducing New – cover Acoustic – Tears In Heaven Free (On YouTube)” . This was the first time playing a song on you tube. Playing a song that I really like on you tube is kind of nerve-racking because you don’t know how our audience is going to react to the song or video.
Feeling comfortable playing a iconic acoustic cover on you tube can be a real challenge. Its a passionate song about losing his son, so you want to play good for your audience.
Acoustic Cover
Tears in Heaven
Heart felt – song by Eric Clapton On You Tube is a tribute to Eric Clapton 4yr old son, who slipped form a 53rd-floor balcony. This is a fingerstyle played on acoustic guitar. When Clapton did a interview with ABC, he said he used music as a healing agent process after losing his son. It became one of the most personal song to Clapton songs of all time.
After being alone for sometime, he started to play again.
About Eric Clapton – Tears in Heaven
Eric Clapton is a English rock and blues guitarist. His also a singer and songwriter. He is one of the most iconic influential guitarist in rock music.
Watching Clapton playing Tears in Heaven on MTV unplugged was a beautiful to witness. The way he sang his song for his boy you can really hear it in his voice and passion.
Been playing for over 10 yrs now and I’m still getting better and learning.music playing music
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