easy acoustic songs to play on guitar

Best Cover Song Meaning

Finger Picking Style Cover Song

New acoustic cover song meaning | by jerry davenport. Its like a dream come true after something like 30 yrs. ago when as a little kid wanting to play any instrument, but really only guitar. I always listing to bands that I really enjoyed listing too and wanting to learn how to play those songs.

music for me was a way to express my emotions and feelings for something I cared about or wanting to play in front of people to let those other emotions I had bottle up and let it out Infront of everybody.


This song means a lot to use. Past time and present in the moment that are great and sad. music. I love all genres of music, like jazz, blues, rock, hip-hop and etc.

New Acoustic Cover Song meaning

Playing this acoustic cover while hitting the strings is like you’re in the moment and can actually hear the strings making the music coming out. Having a feeling to know that you can play a piece of music that you love to listen to and play.

Why cover song meaning.

Why playing music is so important, because music can change someone’s life and heal wounds. Music is the universe Language were everybody knows the feeling and emotions of songs and what it means when something happens in the world.

When Kobe Bryant died the world reacted with tremendously sad nest. It can make us feel better and heal wounds and or just bring out enjoyment when something great happens too. Depending on the emotions that you are feeling, you can get lost while playing something that means to you so much.

Like remembering when you were a kid wanting to be a musician playing in Band and jamming out great songs.

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