10 tips how to stay active during time away from BJJ
Brazilian jiujitsu

Dealing with younger athletes when rolling with them/ BJJ training regimen older grapplers

Can older grapplers beat younger grapplers?

Older grapplers don’t compare yourself to others

Older grapplers can beat younger grapplers for sure. I know we still want to win and or ego hasn’t really left us, just a step or two down the road. There are a couple things as we grapplers have to do is stay active on the mates, exercise and eat healthy. And the one the main things are not to compete against who you’re rolling with if they tap you or dominate you. And don’t compare yourself with others, especially with younger athletes’ that are younger than you.

Older men try to slow them down.

Once you have a good grip on them, try to slow them down as much as possible. Use a good grip you like to use when rolling and figure out what set-ups you can use against them! Let’s say your inside control. That is the spot you want to be in, and you can take all the time you want to try to work a submission like an arm lock or wrist locks. Use yours’re knees up against his side and arms close to his side also.

Sleeve and grips are great

If you get a sleeve and collar grip you can use it towards your advantage against them. If they try stand up, you can break their posture or keep them in your guard for a while. Then you try to work on transitions or look for submission from your guard.

The older we get

The Youns’re athletes’ wants to use their strength and speed and agility against us. Because they now were a lot older them and now, we have lost a step or two. However, once we get them were want them, we can use our strength and time against them too.


Older grapplers can beat younger grapplers for sure. Use a good grip you like to use when rolling and figure out what set-ups you can use against them!

Go and try out jiu jitsu if you want to do something for a hobby and exercise as an older person

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