Brazilian jiujitsu

Best Easy Tips Passing Technic in BJJ for Older Grapplers

Best Easy Tips Passing Technic in BJJ

How to pass in BJJ as an older grappler

If you want to play the passing game easily, the best way is to go around your opponent and create distance between you and them. 

The key concept of the passing game is to keep your legs at a distance.

When you’re older, it’ll be much harder, tiring, and challenging to go through your opponent. 

So, if you don’t want to face their guard, try to go around them, as it’s less risky and less exhausting. By going around them, you can create distance and stay out of danger, at least for the most part, in the passing game.

Also, keep angles and grips on their limbs then after that engage.

We are not young anymore, however, there are plenty of ways to try and pass a younger grappler partner in BJJ. 

You want to have a connection with your hands on their limbs like feet, to on their knees.

The great John Danahar once saied

Use the touch and angle and transition to second form of grip

Best Easy Tips Passing Technic in BJJ

  • Grips
  •  angels
  •  distance
  •  creat distance
  •  hands-on hip and legs

As we get we have a better and more efficient way to roll with younger people in the BJJ community game. We don’t have the youth we used to be when we were younger. Are prime past after the age of 35 in most cases.

How we can adapt to roll with younger grapplers is looking for distance and angles to pass younger grapplers’ guard. It’s not an easy task at all, but, there are ways to save your energy level and less physical challenge.

The best way to stay in shape to continue to roll in jit-jitsu for a long timne is to stay fit off the mate

solo no gi workout passing
  • Cardio
  • Weight training
  • Diet
  • Solo Drills
  • Study videos
  • Read books
  • Journal
  • Compete


Rember were not young anymore and there are ways to get better as an older grappler in BJJ. Stay ready and fit off the matets. And also try do solo drill at home or at your gym

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