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The best tutorial review: affiliate marketing jobs for beginners

HOW To Find Free Traffic to Promote Your Product

There are 8 FREE platforms that I use for promoting my affiliate products on social media. 

affiliate marketing for beginners, affiliate marketing without a blog, affiliate marketing programs, affiliate marketing passive income. #affiliatemarketing #passiveincome


Affiliate marketing jobs. The first one that I use is fakebook. Affiliate marketing jobst’s FREE to sign up to make account. You can create a business page and a management page too. You can add links, advertising your ads too, can also add links to your page, images, videos and pictures that promotes your business. Facebook is a great place to develop your brand of business.

The others are Quora. This one is also FREE to sign up account. What you do is add links to share your product or business, I add links to my website. How you do it is gone and search for people that has questions to certain subjects, and you can answer them with great content, that’s one way people will start to follow you. Then they have section where you can ask a question for your group audience.

You have to create good content for your question, in order for you to add your link. Don’t just go and put up your link without some kind of spamming way. Quora will not like that in the long run. So, add a good question then after that you can add your link to groups that you’re targeting in your niche. Go and find your group that relates to your niche and get involved and then can start adding your links.

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  1. Twitter is another one that i use, that one is also FREE. You can add your websit or blog site on there. You can add your screenshots, images, vdieos, up load a instrunction GI. Creat twitter moments, also you can creat visual testimonials you can add uploads to to your twitter account many things.
    I also use Instgram. You can it for uploading vidoes, images, write content on it. You can cross promote to others networks. Share yuor experince while blogging, traveling, working, or even making vidoes like trainning in martail arts or playing music. 
  2. YouTube is a fun FREE platform to use. Upload tons of videos if you’re working out, training martial arts, playing in band, traveling or the best one is I see are entrepreneur marketing their affiliate products. Millions of people us that platform, and that’s a great way to gain FREE traffic to your website or blog or whatever platform you use.
  3. Linkin is a mother awesome platform to use. Once again, its FREE to use and sign up. There is a lot great content to use on there. They also of business owners and entrepreneur use that platform to use. Linkin can use for #HASHTAG of away to promote your business or website and blog. 
  4. There is Reddit. Millians of people are on that. You can add links and text link. Have to be careful and aware on how you can add you links on there. Thier really Strick on how to use the links add. There are little bulletins on the bottom right-hand side to read what they want from there subscribers on what you can do and not to do. But check it out and scroll through what you think.
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And of course, there is blog. Love using blog for so many different reasons. Writing, keeping a journal, content, can add images, pictures, and videos. A great way to promote affiliate products. Can add #HASHTAGS, change the color of your fronts, change formats, also they have many Layouts and Thems to use.

I know there a couple of more FREE social media platforms to use to promote your products or business just have to research and treat it like a business. 
Also try Digitstore24. There another good affiliate store. FREE sign account. Great products, but it’s kind of hard to navigate through how to add links to website and blog. Try it out.


Go, out and find your niche. So, you can live your own life and dreams.

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