A DAY IN MY LIFE | How to be motivated
How to saty motivated
How I get up early or afternoon go and make my ice coffee. Then I try think of some kind of workout I can show you guys what I do for training a body part. You have to find somnething that you enjoy doing on the regulat bases. Finding my motivation to workout on Leg Day is a thing for me, i enjoy it.

Keep things simple when working out. it dosen’t have to be difficult or advance if your starting out as an begginner. Remember to enjoy your journey and fitness gaols and have fun doing it.
10 different leg excersisce sample
- Bulguarian squat Lunges
- Dumbbell squats
- Leg Extentions
- Standing Leg Curls
- Single Leg Curls
- Standing Sissy Squats
- Standing Cable Kick Backs
- Sumo Squats
- Standing Dumbbells DeadLifts
- Standing Stiff Legs DeadLifts
You dont have to do this an this order. Just try them out on each training day and find out what works for you.
Do have to 20 set on one excersise.
Just keep it simple, like 3-sets of 3 different excerisse and keep reps low to high of you can do more 8+12+15 reps as the highest I would go for a beginner.
Have fun and enjoy your journey

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