How to Get my Son to Bed for School the next day
So, today is Sunday funday and we had a great day just relaxing and enjoying the day. No school or work for Hime and no work for me. I had the day off today and just being with the family is always a good thing. He is in own little word when he has day of from school. But that all changes when he knows he has to go back to school.
It’s not so bad on certain days, but most to the time it’s a Challege to get this kid to bed. If we just come out and tell Hime its time to go to bed, because he has school the next day, well good lick with that. It’s like fighting tooth and nail, and what eve we say as parents, most of the time it’s not going g to work. Unless we can tell them something that works, and he agrees too, lol. However, if we can Fennis him to go to bed, then it will work out.
First, we start by asking to brush his teeth and talk to him about what we’re going to the next day. Like tell then were going to the store or were buy him something that he enjoys watching or playing with. Then, after giving him a shower, and brushing his teeth. Comes giving him extra time to watch his YouTube videos that puts him in a good mood. Then after that, is ready go to bed, and he loves for us put on Alexa Dot on ocean wave. His already a sleep in 5 min most of the time.. A win