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My 5 Reasons Fear For Your Child

Why should we fear for our children

Why should we fear for our children when taking your kid to first day of schoo. There is many mass shooting in thise cou try its not even funny. Its became a big problem in America. And there has little nothing that really has changed from these mass shooting

5 Reasons Fear For Your Child Leaving the nest

We as parents been waiting for this day since there were born. Now that the time has come for them to got to school. We don’t know what to do and how to act when there actually going to school for the first time.

5 Reasons Fear For Your Child Feeling uncomfortable

Walking into the unknown and feeling scared, nervous, having anxiety, and feeling vulnerable about leaving your child at school. We are wondering how is he going to be with the teachers and the other students. Aand is he or her going to be able to adjust without us. Will he be able to handle himself in stressful situations without us.

Being scared

Being scared about our kids going to school has been on our mine as of late. With all the things that are happening at our schools across our country for the past few years now. We been put on high alert with our emotions.And that’s been bothering us for the beginning of school year. We really don’t know how to handle him going school.


There were times where I wanted to homeschool our son from going to school. Because i had that fear of the unknown of what can happen at school. I was freaking out because that fear was inside of me, and controlling me. I was feeling every emtonaily inside of me when I drope off at school. I can do it for my son, so he enjoy his life and go to school. So, he can learn and meet new friends and let him grow into his independence. Because if I didn’t I would be enabling him to grow into his own personality and person.


I wanted to encourage my son to not be scared of being independent and figuring out situation’s by himself when he has to face his teachers and fellow classmates.


We know as parents that we have a responsibility to raise our kids the best we can if that maybe however we can teach them in life to do the right things. The only way we can help them through life guide and give them tips through their journey.

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